Bliss Wedding Florist

3710 Mitchell Dr Suite 114
Fort Collins , CO 80525

Call us now! 970-449-0175

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Bliss Wedding Florist

Day Opening Closing
Mon - Fri 9:00 am 5:00 pm
Sat 9:00 am 4:00 pm
Sun Closed  
Bliss Florist is an event & wedding boutique located in central Fort Collins. Bliss only creates decor for weddings & special events. Our entire creative process, merchandising strategy & facility are perfectly crafted for brides and event planners. Our wedding florist Fort Collins shop was made for YOU! We are located in a two room suite inside of Palmer Flowers, a beautiful full service Fort Collins flower shop. Our store is an industrial chic space located in the Palmer Flowers’ Green House. Bliss consists of two large rooms; a gorgeous showroom & a professional meeting space. This space was designed to have both intimate one-on-one meetings with brides or to have detailed creative planning meetings that may include eight people!

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Local Buy

Introducing City to City Market’s Local Buy of the Season The Florist's Choice (TFC)!

We highly recommend the use of The Florist’s Choice! This is 100% Natural & Organic, Non Toxic, Odorless and is safe for kids and pets! After we have tested this, we florists now use this product to process all of our flowers.