144 Madison Ave
Skowhegan , ME 04976

Day Opening Closing
Mon-Sat 8:00am 5:00pm
Sun Closed  

Boynton's Greenhouses, Inc.

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Boynton's is really TWO businesses in ONE. We're a full service florist so we offer fresh flowers and designs for every occasion, from Weddings and Funerals, to birthdays, congratulations and get wells. From May to September we also have an incredible garden center with hanging baskets, bedding plants, perennials, vegetables, herbs and ornamental shrubs. We are truly a LOCAL business. Boynton's Greenhouse was established in 1952 by Robert and Doris Boynton. In 1978 ownership passed to their oldest child and her husband, Marcia Granville and Lee Granville. The business is still being run by the third generation, their daughter, Ellen Boucher, and their granddaughter, Emily Moore represents the 4th.