Dubarry Chiropractic

11211 Prosperity Farms Rd
Palm Bch Gdns, FL 33410


A Massage Therapist in Palm Bch Gdns FL

"Dr. Dubarry is the "hands-on" approach chiropractor. We have the best equipment but we always start with our hands. Dr. Dubarry has published more textbooks on hands-on treatment than any other chiropractors in the state of Florida; he is on the board of 3 universities, and teaches world wide (+10 countries) . You can check his publications on his site. Publishing and teaching is done for a single reason: PASSION. There is no money in writing a textbook just the satisfaction to share with others and help your fellow humans. Dr. Dubarry does not limit his practice to a single approach and is proficient in "Gonstead," "Activator," Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT)", Diversified, "Myofascial Release," among others."

Day Opening Closing
Monday  11:30 AM 6:00 PM
Tuesday  8:00 AM 2:00 PM
Wednesday  11:30 AM 6:00 PM
Thursday  8:00 AM 2:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday Closed  
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