Fitness Revolution - Broadview Heights

3301 Royalton Rd
Broadview Heights, OH 44147


A Fitness Gym in Broadview Heights OH

It truly is a revolution! Even though we call our program "Boot Camp", in reality, it is not like any typical "Boot Camp" program you find at your local gym. We like to think of it more as "Group Personal Training", since we strive to bring the ideals behind one-on-one personal training into the group training atmosphere. With 3 convenient locations in north east Ohio we look forward to helping you reach your health and wellness objectives. Our boot camp workouts are exciting and intense. The coolest thing about our program is the wide range of fitness levels and the diverse client demographic. We are experts with exercise progressions and regressions and in this way we are able to effectively challenge any and all fitness levels during the same workout. We don't stop there! We also offer HIIT core classes, personal training and youth fitness. We offer such a variety to ensure everyone is getting the best fit for their fitness journey. FREE bonuses include: nutrition guides, rapid fat loss starter guide, food journal, done-for-you 30 day meal plans with recipes, and pre/post camp assessments.

Day Opening Closing
Monday - Friday   5:30 AM 10:00 PM
Saturday  7:00 AM 2:00 PM
Sunday  Closed  
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