Current Location : 53005
So here is where I tell my story of Grid Crossfit. It is a Crossfit gym...but the community that is here and the one that continues to build is above what might be classified as your typical gym. I started this business because I love helping people lead a longer, healthier life not knowing that the people I would look to as members would become some of my closest friends. When you enter job is to try to get you to make Crossfit a lifestyle or as I like to call it “your fitness”. That does not mean I need you to be a Crossfit athlete and go the games to advertise my gym. What I mean is that Crossfit prepares you for so much more then physical strength, it prepares you physically, mentally and emotionally in all facets of life. I want you to walk out of my gym every time feeling that you can handle whatever comes your way.....that inner strength, the strength we sometimes lose through the tough times. If you go the games with that strength, that is great also..HA!HA! I have worked hard for almost 4 years to make this gym a comfortable place for anyone to walk in it a Home Away for Home.