Hardy Plumbing

4776 Hamilton Middletown Rd
Liberty Township, OH 45011


A Plumbing Contractor in Liberty Township OH

Plumbing Emergency! In a plumbing emergency, you will need to stop the flow of water as soon as possible to prevent water damage. If the emergency involves a specific fixture, look for its shutoff valve and turn it clockwise. The valve is usually located underneath a fixture (such as a toilet or sink) or behind appliances (such as a clothes washer) where the water supply pipe(s) connect to it. If the problem is not with a particular appliance or fixture, or if there is no shutoff valve for that item, then turn the water off to the entire house at the main shutoff valve. You will find the main shutoff valve on the inside or outside of your house where the main water supply pipe enters the house.

Day Opening Closing
Mon-Fri 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
Sat-Sun Closed  
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