MILFS Training, LLC

3151 Williams Rd C
Columbus, GA 31909


A Fitness Center in Columbus GA

"M.I.L.F.S. Training specializes in assisting mothers and all women to become the most confident versions of themselves. We offer services that aid in a healthy lifestyle as well as beautification and relaxation. This is a self care center that offers fitness classes, nutritional assistance plans, makeup services, facial and waxes. Created to inspire, encourage, and uplift women. Self-care is pertinent, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Setting an excellent example for our children requires setting and obtaining our own goals as well. So let’s set goals & get fit together!"

Day  Opening   Closing 
Monday - Friday  5:00 AM 8:00 PM
Saturday  9:00 AM 11:00 PM
Sunday  Closed  
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