Current Location : 78756
Would you like a happier life? We can help! If you are tired of counseling that does not work, medication that has unpleasant side effects or just continual suffering? Our state-of-the-art approach to mental heath therapy is for those who seek lasting change. We work with those patients who want a rapid, long-term resolution. If this is true for you and you are open to new and powerful ways to end your suffering, Our approach might be your answer. What is Emotional Transformation Therapy® (ETT®)? Emotional Transformation Therapy® (ETT®) is a groundbreaking form of psychotherapy that uses attachment based interpersonal processes whose outcomes are amplified by precise visual brain stimulation. It can relieve emotional distress within seconds, physical pain in minutes, and produce states of extreme wellbeing. Since trauma, addiction, and other conditions primarily involve parts of the brain that operate in non-declarative memory which is not conscious, verbal, conscious processes alone are unlikely to access and change them. By using precise visual brain stimulation during distress activation, the parts of the brain responsible for unwanted conditions can be targeted and changed rapidly which results in symptom reduction. The principle of memory reconsolidation is used to produce long-term change of these conditions.