Team Clean NYC

Brooklyn, NY 11222

A Cleaning Service in Brooklyn NY

Team Clean is a highly regarded home cleaning business that offers top notch service for home/office/studio space and brings along cleaning products that are non-toxic and biodegradable! Team Clean takes a holistic approach to residential and commercial cleaning. Our "teamsters" (as we like to call them) will leave your home/office/studio space sparkling clean by using only environmentally conscious, non toxic, biodegradable products and methods. We offer a spring-cleaning like approach to our clients, going above and beyond what you can do on your own. Under, over, between, behind, above: it's all included! Team Clean is fully insured. Team Clean also brings all their own products and tools! TC uses a wide variety of natural cleaning product and even make a few special products, themselves! Our goal is to get everyone's home as clean as possible and be 100% natural in the process. Making your home chemical free and keeping it safe for grown-ups, babies, and pets!

Day Opening Closing
Mon - Sun 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
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