
350 N Glendale Ave
Glendale, CA 91206

An Auto Detailing in Glendale CA

These are the best products I have found for washing your car in 5 minutes or less -- Anywhere you want (from in line to pick up your kid after Boy Scouts to last minute in your driveway before driving to the opera) -- they won't scratch up your "baby"-- be it a Tesla, a Testarosa, or a Toyota. These are the same products used by professional detailers and in high-end showrooms, and for people who won't let other people touch their car with buffers, rollers, dirty rags, gritty, dirty water or pressure washers. It's even teenager proof. I put together discounted kits and sell them at TeslaChick.net -Sorry - this is not a traditional "Car Wash" location but easy & quick car wash products for people who really love their cars! Visit TeslaChick.net for more information :)

Day Opening Closing
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM 6:30 PM
Saturday  9:00 AM 5:00  PM
Sunday Closed  
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