Total Women's Health and Wellness Center

755 Commerce Dr
Decatur, GA 30030

A Health Service in Decatur GA

Total Women's Health & Wellness Center Total Women's Health & Wellness Center is a professional gynecology practice in Decatur, Georgia. Its staff is composed of Stephanie Carmichael, MD, and Andrea Johnson, MD, both of whom have over two decades of experience in the gynecology field and are certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Through their practice, Dr. Johnson and Dr.Carmichael strive to provide quality care to women of all age groups and backgrounds. The health of the patient is their number one concern. As a team, the highly trained and experienced female physicians offer a broad range of knowledge and skill, plus the latest advancements in gynecology. As women, they understand and respect your symptoms and concerns, and are committed to genuinely listening to you and providing you with prompt compassionate care. Their goal is to improve their patients' physical and emotional well-being through treatment of common women's health issues, such as heavy periods, abnormal Pap results, hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, and ovarian cysts. Dr. Carmichael and Dr. Johnson make it their utmost priority to apply the same standard of care to patients as they would their own families. The team knows your time is precious, which is why they are committed to helping you achieve a full and speedy recovery, and obtaining the preventive care and medical screenings you need...

Day Opening Closing
Monday - Thursday    9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Friday  9:00 AM 3:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday   Closed   
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