Vibrational Acupuncture - Fort Lauderdale

2720 E Oakland Park Blvd
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306

A Massage Therapist in Fort Lauderdale FL

Dr. Moskow has been practicing acupuncture and Oriental medicine since 2007. He is California state and National board-certified in both acupuncture and Chinese herbology. Dr. Moskow received his training at the American College of Oriental Medicine (ACTCM) in San Francisco, which has been widely considered the most extensive and rigorous Oriental medicine program in the United States. Dr. Moskow began his journey into the healing arts in 2003 when he started working with biofeedback therapies. While reading the subtle energies of the body and delivering rectifying frequencies with clients he realized there was more he needed to offer clients and he soon began his intensive Acupuncture and TCM studies. Dr. Moskow learned intricate pulse diagnosis as an apprentice with modern pulse master, Dr. Robert Levine, and utilizes this in his daily practice. He has been trained by another modern master, Dr. Teh-Fu Tan, in Balance Method and I-Ching acupuncture which is world renowned for powerful, dynamic healings and fast results. Dr. Moskow also has worked closely with Dr. Lifang Liang in her thriving fertility & women’s health clinic in San Francisco. One of his major influences is his own father, Howard, who is also an acupuncturist, holistic physical therapist and energy healer. In 2007 Dr. Moskow built a healing practice with his father in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

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