Al's Auto Service

6097 State Rd
Parma, OH 44134

An Auto Repair in Parma OH

Al and Marty opened Al's Auto Service in May 2011. Al and Marty have been together serving the Parma Ohio Community for over 34 years as automotive service technicians. They have over 75 years of combined automotive knowledge and hundreds of customers have taken their vehicles to Al and Marty for generations. Al and Marty have established a reputation for honesty and dependability for automotive and light truck repairs. You will always be treated like family and leave with a feeling of security knowing that your vehicle has a 12 month 12,000 mile warranty on all repairs performed. Al's also offers a nationwide warranty that is valid at over 6,000 repair facilities. We are independently owned and operated!

Day Opening Closing
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
Saturday   8:00 AM 12:00 PM
Sunday  Closed  
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