166 Ebony Avenue
Imperial Beach, CA 91932


A Roofing Contractor in Imperial Beach CA

My name is Shawn Amos and I am the President of Amos and Son's Roofing Inc. My profession as a roofer is not just about getting the job done; it's about taking care of our customers. I stand behind our service for ten years and Guarantee every shingle we install on our roofs for a Lifetime.In 1996 my father, Richard Amos retired from the San Diego Police Department and started a roofing company in San Diego, CA. When I was 17 years old I started working for my dad in the family business. I was picking up garbage and slinging shingles for $50 a day. I eventually learned the trade, and started to do the roofing myself while my dad lined up more work. I was promoted to supervisor for our roofing crews, and I learned the industry from a new perspective. We always stayed busy; together we believed in our company and stood behind our service.

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