Atlantic Automotive Inc.

824 East Fletcher Ave
Tampa, FL 33612


An Auto Repair in Tampa FL

Auto Repair, Transmission Service, Automotive, AC Repair, Diagnostic, Mechanic, Brakes, Auto Service, Car Repair, Engines, Auto AC, Automotive mechanic, transmission repair, transmission rebuild Atlantic Automotive, Inc has provided unparalleled automotive services for the Tampa, Florida region for more than 20 years. We have a highly skilled and dedicated staff of three service technicians that offer the utmost in maintenance skill and customer service to help ensure that our customers are completely satisfied with every visit. To help ensure that our customers receive the highest level of service, the staff at Atlantic Automotive, Inc offers Free towing and mobile service for minor repairs to vehicles, allowing the owner to get back on the road as quickly as possible. Our mission is to build a relationship of trust with our customers and to provide them with a maintenance experience that will keep them coming back every time they require vehicle maintenance.

Day Opening Closing
Mon-Fri 7:00am 6:30pm
Sat 8:00am 2:00pm
Sun Closed  
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