Auto Stop

552 Bay St
Rochester, NY 14609

An Auto Repair in Rochester NY

Our Mechanics are both highly trained and knowledgeable when it comes to cars, trucks, cube vans and even antique auto repair. Our staff has been providing quality auto repair and auto service in the Rochester area at The Auto Stop for over 35 years. Many of our customers have been with me that long or even longer. At Bruce's Auto Stop we provide services, repairs and maintenance for all of your vehicle needs. Some of the automotive services and repairs we provide include: Air Conditioning Alternators Belts & Hoses Brakes Engine Repair Exhausts Oil Changes Radiators Shocks Starters Tires Tune-Ups Scheduled Maintenance And More! So, if you are in the market for an automotive service center that can fix any job, big or small, in a reasonable amount of time for a reasonable price, give us a call or stop in and have a cup of coffee with us. We would be happy to help you!

Day Opening Closing
Mon-Thu 7:30am 6:00pm
Fri 7:30am 5:30pm
Sat-Sun Closed  
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