Body Relief Sports Therapy

1913 Tiffany Ct
Camarillo, CA 93010


A Massage Therapist in Camarillo CA

Hello, my name Gina Porter De Jong. I am a massage therapist, and I provide and call-in and call-out service. I special modal is sports massage deep tissue work. My cliental is mostly made up of athletes, and many of them large dense muscle. I currently live in Ventura County, but I travel from Santa Barbara to Riverside. I have 4 teenagers, all active and athletic so my job comes in handy, also for injury recovery. I am a current actively training womens' physique competitor. I have been active all my life, I was a gymnast, ran track, played softball both woman's and co-ed and martial arts. One other benefit I bring to my massage is that as a woman I have enough strength to be able to handle the large, thick and dense muscle of bodybuilders, powerlifters and any athlete who has such mass. Also as an athlete I understand the ROM issues, from knots and scar tissue build up. I have the ability to work with you on this and also joint strains and rhabilitation from injury. There are many benefits to massage, number 1 for me is lowering the risk of injury, no one wants to be out hurt. But a few of the others are better muscle hydration, muscle nutrition, faster recovery, decreased anxiety, better sleep, fewer headaches, increased flexibility, fewer mood swings, better concentration, help with depression. The list is long as to the benefits. .

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