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Brass Door Restaurant and Catering

527 S Main
Carrollton, IL 62016

An American Restaurant in Carrollton IL

Established in 1976.

Founded in 1976 by its original owner then purchased by Don Davidsmeyer in 1978 who then started the Pork Chop Dinner Special in the early eighties. The restaurant is still owned and operated by Davidsmeyer's daughter and son-in-law. The restaurant offers daily specials as well as a full menu and bar service. Serving family style all you can eat meals on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Catfish and Buffalo on Friday and Prime Rib on Saturday. (Prime Rib is not all you can eat.) Open Tuesday through Saturday evenings at 4pm. Full menu available everyday except prime rib and salad bar which are only available on weekends.

Business Hours
Day Opening Closing
Tue - Sat 4:00 PM 9:00 PM
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