Current Location : 14150
Here at we offer you the features that are readily available on other Diamond and Fine Jewelry retailers online, such as a Large Database of Diamonds to choose from, “ Design Your Own” tools, 30 Day Return policy, Free FedEx® and an excellent selection of fine Jewelry. But, we believe that there is something that is much more important than these features….That is, You! The fact of the matter is that the Diamond business has many more variables than just Cut, Color and Clarity, as they would have you believe. These secondary variables consist of Depth, Girdle, Table Crown Angles and others. Jewelers use these secondary variables to come up with the Cut rating of each diamond they sell. These variables affect the brilliancy of all Diamonds. Unfortunately, these items are not noticeable to the naked eye and worse still most jewelers online are not qualified to assign these grades. Because of this, many diamond retailers are making inaccurate representations to increase profit.
Wednesday 10:30AM–7PM Thursday 10:30AM–7PM Friday 10:30AM–6PM Saturday 10:30AM–6PM Sunday 12–5PM Monday 10:30AM–7PM Tuesday 10:30AM–7PM