Cactus Flower Florists in Scottsdale

10822 N Scottsdale Rd
Scottsdale , AZ 85254

Call us now! 480-948-1130

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Cactus Flower Florists in Scottsdale

Day Opening Closing
Mon-Fri 9:00am 6:00pm
Sat 10:00am 3:00pm
Sun 10:00am 2:00pm
Cactus Flower Florists proudly serves the Scottsdale area. We are committed to providing great customer service, the finest floral arrangements, beautiful floral designs, as well as gift baskets and much more. Our customers are important to us and our friendly staff is dedicated to making your experience a pleasant one. We will always go the extra mile to make your floral gift perfect! You can expect great customer service, fresh flower arrangements, beautiful floral designs, plants, gift baskets and much more.

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Local Buy

Introducing City to City Market’s Local Buy of the Season The Florist's Choice (TFC)!

We highly recommend the use of The Florist’s Choice! This is 100% Natural & Organic, Non Toxic, Odorless and is safe for kids and pets! After we have tested this, we florists now use this product to process all of our flowers.