Carlton Auto Repair

519 S Carlton Ave
Wheaton, IL 60187

An Auto Repair in Wheaton IL

We work on all makes and models of vehicles, foreign and domestic, (mechanical repair only, no body work) but we do work by appointment only, please call for an appointment. Obviously if you have a breakdown or emergency, have it towed in and we will get to it as soon as we possibly can, you can call our answering machine for the phone number of our towing service. We are sorry, but we do not give any phone/email estimates, they tend not to be very accurate without looking at the vehicle first and we just don't give them, ever, but feel free to call for an appointment, we will inspect a vehicle and call with an accurate estimate! Thank you!

Day Opening Closing
Monday - Thursday  8:00 AM 4:30 PM
Friday 8:00 AM 3:30 PM
Saturday -  Sunday Closed  
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