Central Service & Repair

1760 W Cortland Ct
Addison, IL 60101

An Auto Repair in Addison IL

Auto Services You Can Trust Central Service & Repair is the auto service you can trust. Our garage in Addison, IL was voted one of the 10 top shops in the nation five years in a row. This honor was a direct reflection of our fine customer service and ability to handle all auto and truck repairs expertly, quickly and affordable.All our work comes with a 12 month, 12,000 mile warranty on parts and labor. You'll never feel apprehensive or worried about the quality work we perform when driving your car home from Central Service & Repair.Our foreign and domestic services include:* Complete diagnostics on all cars* Tune-up and brakes* Shocks and struts* Fleet maintenance and computerized printouts* Transmission and tire repair* Record keeping for all customers* 24-hour towingCustomer service is our family's number one goal. To advance our ability to please our customers, we offer free, local shuttle service and enterprise availability. We install Jasper engines and transmissions, also. When something has gone wrong with your vehicle, trust it to our ASE certified mechanics, and trust that quality repairs will be performed.Call Central Service & Repair today for more information.

Day Opening Closing
Mon - Fri 7:00 AM 5:00 PM
Sat 7:00 AM 12:00 PM
Sun Closed  
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