Core 1 Inc.

1426 Brook Dr
Downers Grove, IL 60515

A Fitness Gym in Downers Grove IL

As the top chiropractor in Downers Grove, Dr. Boyce treats a variety of conditions - from back pain to gait instability, headaches, and scoliosis - by combining various chiropractic manipulation techniques. Dr. Boyce integrates chiropractic manipulations for treatment and diagnostic purposes, combined with the other services offered at Core 1 Chiropractic - specified to treat and diagnose the specific cases of individual patients. This combination of services is widely useful for diagnostic or treatment purposes, and as the prognosis progresses so will the goals for management and improvement. The arrangement of chiropractic manipulations with orthopedic assessments, manual therapy, postural training and neuromuscular re-education provides our patients with the most comprehensive tools available to build a pain and injury-free future. Dr. Boyce and his team specialize in creating uniquely tailored programs that include all of the most modern techniques, treatments and therapies, individualized to the patient. Treating the entire body as a whole, while focusing on the proper alignment and articulation of the musculoskeletal system allows for in-depth diagnosis and appropriate and accurate treatment.

Day Opening Closing
Monday - Thursday  3:00 PM 9:00 PM
Friday 3:00 PM 6:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM 12:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM 11:00 AM
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