Dr Dryer Duct

Glendale, CA 91214

A HVAC Service in Glendale CA

Sheer determination, the support of his friends and family, and a solid work ethic instilled in him by his parents propelled Dr Dryer Duct into the community as a viable option for consumers' dryer duct needs. Initially, Daved focused only on cleaning but soon thereafter he was able to offer replacement and repair of dryer ducts in homes. As his customer base grew he knew his gamble had paid off. His business was going to be successful. During his first year in business, Daved was on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He eagerly welcomed the first few employees he was able to hire after only a few short years in business. "I believe if you give people what they deserve, then hopefully you will never have an unhappy customer," he said. Daved said he knows that "when we do a good job, our customer will tell 2 or 3 people and those people might tell 2 or 3 others. But when you do a bad job, that customer will tell 20 or 30 people.100% satisfaction is the policy for his customers.

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