Elite Warrior Fitness & Personal Training

2836 N Verdugo Rd
Glendale, CA 91205


A Health Service in Glendale CA

Arturo started working out at a very young in his grandmother's garage. He would hold weight lifting competitions with the older kids on the block beating them effortlessly. Arturo's mother was an avid weight lifter and would later lay the foundation for his ethical approach to physical fitness and nutrition. By the age of 10, he was participating in 10K races with his mother and by age 12 was working out with the big boys at Lou's Gym in Chula Vista. Under the watchful eye of his Power Lifting mother, Arturo began competing in local body building competitions by age 15. During high school he competed in Greco-Roman / Freestyle Wrestling, Judo, Boxing, and Kick Boxing. He currently studies Tae Kwon Do with his kids. Arturo learned that old fashioned or traditional methods of training may be what is hindering your workout and keeping you from reaching your full potential. "I don't stand around with a clipboard counting your reps. AND I don't train muscles, I train movements!"

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