Embodiment Arts Expressive Arts & Holistic Bodywork

3309 Fourth Ave
San Diego, CA 92103


A Health Service in San Diego CA

Elizabeth is fascinated with the mind-body connection and the awakening of self that happens through the arts and bodywork. She facilitates change and transformation by guiding her clients in remembering, reconnecting, and rediscovering their body, mind, and soul. Elizabeth holds a Master's in Expressive Arts Therapy from the European Graduate School and a certificate from the Expressive Arts Institute of San Diego. Her Bachelor's in Health and Exercise Science was earned at Syracuse University, while Elizabeth studied massage and bodywork at IPSB College (the International Professional School of Bodywork), specializing in Sensory Repatterning, Somato-Emotional Integration, Relational Somatics, and Sports Massage. Elizabeth was on faculty at IPSB College in San Diego for 14 years, the Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing in Culver City, California for 10 years and now teaches at Life Energy Institute.

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