Huntington Nursery & Florists

2964 W Park Dr
Huntington , IN 46750

Call us now! 260-356-4718

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Huntington Nursery & Florists

Day Opening Closing
Mon-Fri 9:00am 5:00pm
Sat 9:00am 1:00pm
Sun Closed  
Since 1946, Huntington Nursery & Florist has been serving our community with quality products, expert advice, and a culture of customer service. Started by a high school math teacher after World War II, Huntington Nursery & Florist is proud to be one of Huntington’s oldest operating businesses, serving at our current location since our inception.

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Local Buy

Introducing City to City Market’s Local Buy of the Season The Florist's Choice (TFC)!

We highly recommend the use of The Florist’s Choice! This is 100% Natural & Organic, Non Toxic, Odorless and is safe for kids and pets! After we have tested this, we florists now use this product to process all of our flowers.