IAA Vehicle Purchacasing

4900 Hendersonville Rd Ste B
Fletcher, NC 28732

An Auto Sale in Fletcher NC

Cash for Cars can PAY MORE because we are a local buyer . Cash for Cars will buy your car, truck, SUV or other vehicle for cash and resell it as fast as we can in one of our thousands of automobile auctions all over the country. Go DIRECT to us and avoid the middleman. Other companies will buy your car from you and then put it in our auction. The price you receive will be HIGHER when you sell your car, truck or SUV directly to us! We PAY MORE because our patent pending Price Guide keeps our expenses low. Our database of millions of records is unmatched in this scale and use, which keeps our prices accurate. We can offer you MORE CASH for your car. Our cycle time from purchase to auction is fast, because we're an integrated buyer and auctioneer. This means we quickly receive a return on the cash that we pay you, which in turn means that we can afford to PAY YOU MORE! Why wait? GET CASH TODAY for your car, whether it is a clunker or a high-end luxury or sports car. We buy cars that are damaged as well as in perfect condition, even if they won't run or drive

Day Opening Closing
Mon-Fri 7:00am 9:00pm
Sat 8:00am 5:00pm
Sun 12:00pm 5:00pm
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