J & G Transmissions

4782 S Riverside Dr
Salt Lake City, UT 84123

An Auto Repair in Salt Lake City UT

J & G Transmissions is a family owned and operated transmission repair business in Murray, UT. Since 1988, we have helped thousands of our neighbors throughout the Salt Lake Valley with their transmission repairs, drive trains, auto repairs and maintenance needs. Our technicians are here to help you stay within your budget and prioritize essential repairs until you can afford others. We will diagnose your car free with our state of the art equipment. We offer a 24/7 towing service, which is included free with all major repairs. When you want the work done right the first time, both efficiently and affordably, look no further than J & G Transmissions!

Day Opening Closing
Monday - Friday  07:30am 5:30pm
Saturday - Sunday   Closed
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