Lakeside Automotive Inc

4578 Lake Rd S
Brockport, NY 14420

An Auto Repair in Brockport NY

Established in 1993. In 1993 Lakeside Automotive began with a father helping his then 21 year old son fulfill his dream of owning his own business by fueling his passion for repairing cars. Due to an overwhelming amount of business, the building was expanded in 1996 by adding 3 additional bays. In 2007, Lakeside Automotive became an authorized U-Haul Dealer and was soon recognized as U-Hauls #1 outstanding dealer for the Western New York area. In 2013, Lakeside Automotive became a WESTERN snowplow dealer and has installed numerous plows on many different sized trucks. Lakeside Automotive continues to grow it's customer base due to it's professionalism, honesty and outstanding mechanic skills and knowledge base.

Day Opening Closing
Mon-Fri 8:00am 5:00pm
Sat-Sun Closed  
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