Libby Gamble

Asheville, NC 28801

A Photographer in Asheville NC

At heart, Libby is an adventurer. She is happiest when she is out discovering the world around her — camera in hand. With a deep appreciation for people and landscapes, her favorite photos combine the two elements to create rich environmental portraits with a classical flair. Experimentation within the creation of an image drives a sense of discovery. She loves to slow the shutter speed down to play with the concept of time in photographs. Her appreciation for atmosphere created on a foggy day outweighs her admiration of blue skies of a sunny afternoon. Mood and whimsy are at the core of her work. Her passion for music has lead her into the pits and grounds of concert and festival photography where she is fueled by the temper of the event. Libby is best known for her work in live music, but there are many facets to her artistic endeavors. She considers herself a fine art photographer with a deep need to connect to the emotional quality of every photo. When she has things on her mind that she can’t sort out, she sets out to create images to help her process her thoughts and emotions. Often this cognitive activity is completed alone in the form of self-portraits. She took the long road to get to this current incarnation as a profession. In a relatively short amount of time, she earned an MFA in photography, participated in more than several group and solo exhibitions, curated a successful show, and won a few awards.

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