Lynn Heikes

Asheville, NC 28803


A Massage Therapist in Asheville NC

My focus in life is to step out of the rush & relax into the present moment which allows for the 'power of now.' (Eckart Tolle) & I like to encourage others to do the same...this allows for an emotional getaway. To ground myself, I use meditation, listen to inspiring people or stories, & see life as a journey not a destination. I find massage therapy brings people back into their body rather than in their head & encourages deep relaxation. Deep relaxation reduce stress, decrease pain, improves concentration, speeds up the healing process & stimulate chemicals that produces a positive attitude. I focus on quality not quantity. I allow extra time between sessions for meditation & focus on healing not on time

Day Opening Closing
Mon-Tue Closed  
Wed-Fri 11:00am 8:00pm
Sat 11:00am 6:00pm
Sun 3:00pm 9:00pm
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