Current Location : 60056
Our goal is to help you feel your best both in body and mind.Therapeutic Massage is the practice of applying pressure or vibration to the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and joints. A form of therapy, massage can be applied to specific parts of the body or successively to the whole body, to aid in healing injury, relieve psychological stress, manage pain, improve circulation and relieve tension. At Massage by Danga, we incorporate many modalities in each massage, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial, and Trigger Point Therapy. Swedish massage is the most popular type of massage in the United States and is often referred to as the relaxation massage. It uses a system of long gliding strokes, and other techniques on the outer layers of muscles to improve circulation, ease pain and tension, improve flexibility and create relaxation. Deep tissue massage releases chronic patterns of muscular tension and is usually on a specific problem area. This massage is done with greater pressure and effects deeper layers of the muscle than a Swedish/relaxation massage. (Chronic patterns can be caused by long periods of sitting at a computer, constant lifting, carrying large bags or any other repetitive action we do.) Trigger point therapy uses specific points of pressure then stretching to relieve the irritated, painful "knots" in a muscle. Pressure is produced using fingertips, knuckles or elbow directly on the trigger point, followed by stretc
Day | Opening | Closing |
Mon-Fri | 7:00am | 7:00pm |
Sat | 10:00am | 5:00pm |
Sun | Closed |