Current Location : 60304
Shuseki Shihan Miyuki Miura was born in 1949 in Chiba, Japan, the son of a ship’s engineer. He began training in Shotokan karate at the age of 13, and had been promoted to the rank of 2nd dan black belt by his 18th birthday. He had also studied judo, achieving the rank of 1st dan at the age of 17. In 1968, upon attending college, Shuseki Shihan then studied Kyokushin Karate under karate legend Sosai Oyama (founder and director of Kyokushin). After graduating from Josai International University, he became an uchi deshi (live-in student) at the honbu dojo (headquaters) for two years becoming chief instructor. In 1971, he placed 4th in Kyokushin’s All-Japan Tournament. Shuseki Shihan won Kyokushin’s All-Japan Tournament in 1972, beating many of Japan’s best competion along the way. Soon after he became champion, Sosai Oyama asked him to participate in the 100-man kumite. The 100-man kumite involves fighting 100 karate practitioners, with each full contact match following immediately after the other. He completed the test in a little over 3 hours on April 13, 1972. Following recovery, Sosai Oyama sent him to the United States as the new branch chief for the Chicago Kyokushin dojo.
Wednesday 11AM–12PM Thursday 7–8PM Friday 11AM–12PM, 6:30–8PM Saturday 12–1PM Sunday Closed Monday 11AM–12PM Tuesday 7–8PM