Current Location : 60030
When we clean your carpets with our professional truck mounted cleaning plant, many built up allergens are removed from your carpet that can give you headaches, stuffy noses, colds, and other annoying discomforts. Things like pet dander, cooking oils and smoke residues, tar, asphalt, trace heavy (radioactive) metals from your yard's soil, cigarette smoke, dead skin cells (food for dust mites), odors and stains from pets, sand, grit, and other contaminates have steadily accumulated in your carpet through everyday comings and goings in your home. This stuff can really sneak up on you.Let us restore your carpets ability to keep a maximum amount of pollutants out of your indoor air supply, helping make your home as healthy as possible for you, your family and guests.
Mon Open 24 hours Tue Open 24 hours Wed Open 24 hours Thu Open 24 hours Fri Open 24 hours Sat Open 24 hours Sun Open 24 hours