11110 SW 36th St
Miami, FL 33165


An Auto Repair in Miami FL

Performance Tech Auto Repair : Is your complete Automotive Maintenance and Repair. Following is a list of some of the general automotive maintenance and repair services available at Performance Tech Auto Repair: * Diagnostics Check Engine Light start at $40 * Tune Ups * Brakes / Anti-lock * Steering / Suspension * Engine Repair/Replacement * Cooling Systems / Antifreeze * Belts / Hoses * Oil / Filter Service Thank you Find me in Facebook at ( PTAR ) has the same photo as this Yelp

Day Opening Closing
Monday - Thursday  9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM 3:00 PM
Sunday Closed  
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