Current Location : 33140
Renew and Restore Health specializes in integrative and regenerative medicine. Specializations include platelet rich plasma therapy, stem cell-based therapies, anti-aging medicine, nutritional and wellness testing, IV therapies, and other restorative ancillary services. Dr. Jeffrey Baker focuses on sports medicine and arthritis. He has treated and helped hundreds of patients suffering from chronic arthritis or sports injury. His approach is a non surgical approach and leaving patients with confidence that they will return to their activities prior to the visit. Dr. Ivel DeFretitas focuses on functional mediciine. After finishing at Yale University, she advanced her medical degree with focus on Functional Medicine at the prestigious Harvard Medical School. She has taken difficult medical cases that other physicians have referred to her. Her patients are able to have the "quality of life" and function. She has treated hundreds of patients that suffers from medical stress, fatigue,
Day | Opening | Closing |
Mon - Fri | 9:00 PM | 5:00 PM |
Sat & Sun | Closed |