Rickey Heroman's Florist & Gifts, Inc. - Baton Rouge

7450 Jefferson Hwy #390
Baton Rouge , LA 70808

Call us now! 225-383-8383

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Rickey Heroman's Florist & Gifts, Inc. - Baton Rouge

Day Opening Closing
Mon - Fri 9:00 am 6:00 pm
Sat 9:00 am 5:00 pm
Sun 12:00 pm 4:00 pm
Rickey Heroman's acquired Marino's Florist on Oct 1, 2011. Marino's Florist has been in business since 1977, we are now offering that customer base better and more expanded coverage in the Baton Rouge area! Shop the freshest flowers in Baton Rouge that arrive direct from flowers growers around the world three times a week. Open for all holiday flowers, Mothers Day flowers, Valentines, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fall, Halloween, every possible occasion we have the perfect flowers for you from the Best Florist in Baton Rouge.

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Local Buy

Introducing City to City Market’s Local Buy of the Season The Florist's Choice (TFC)!

We highly recommend the use of The Florist’s Choice! This is 100% Natural & Organic, Non Toxic, Odorless and is safe for kids and pets! After we have tested this, we florists now use this product to process all of our flowers.