Scanlan Windows To the World

52399 230th St
Glenwood, IA 51534

A Local Gallery in Glenwood IA

Thank you for your interest in Scanlans' Windows to the World fine art photography. In attempting to share our view of the world as a tranquil and beautiful place, we frequently find ourselves in Europe, where the Old World has preserved images of a quiet, serene life. We continually seek out images whose elements interest us artistically, emotionally and intellectually. Whether intrigued by the scene's subject matter and the feelings it evokes; its balance, lighting and innate beauty - or, most often, a delicate combination of all of these considerations - we invariably bring home what we feel is the essence of the scene. In every image, we offer a tribute to the uniqueness of the places we have visited, reflecting an admiration for the beauty, history or symbolism in each location. The result is a collection that, taken as a whole, offers a rare view of an unwavering appreciation for beauty and serenity in all its forms, both natural and cultivated.

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