Sun Devil Auto

13905 W Camino Del Sol
Sun City West, AZ 85375


An Auto Repair in Sun City West AZ

Sun Devil Auto offers a wide-variety of automotive services. We provide complete auto repair and maintenance including oil changes, brake repair, engine repair, transmission repair and replacement, battery replacement (5 year warranty) and everything in between. Contact us for auto glass repair, replacement, and all your tinting needs. Sun Devil Auto services all makes and models and can perform full services on extended warranties along with maintenance on factory warrantied vehicles. Our ASE Certified technicians have experience in all areas of automotive repair including air conditioning, engine diagnostics, fuel and exhaust systems, power steering, and much more. For your convenience we offer a courtesy shuttle at no charge, online appointment scheduling, and free towing with most major repairs. We are truly the "Alternative to the Dealership" offering competitive pricing and quality auto repair and maintenance.

Day Opening Closing
Mon-Fri 7:00am 6:00pm
Sat 7:30am 5:00pm
Sun Closed  
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