Taqueria Los Paisanos

573 Collins St
Joliet, IL 60432


A Mexican Restaurant in Joliet IL

"Established in 1987 in Jerez, Zacatecas, family-owned business, Taqueria Los Paisanos started off as a small taco stand. It was originally founded by the three oldest brothers of the family. The youngest brother, Jose M. Diaz, worked for his siblings. While learning everything about the family business, throughout the years he has been able to perfect and developed original recipes/spices authentic to the flavors of his hometown. At Taqueria Los Paisanos, you're guaranteed to savor every bite and experience the fresh, bold flavors of our authentic, artisanal and traditional Mexican cuisine here in Joliet"

Day Opening Closing
Monday - Sunday 9:00 AM 10:00 PM
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