TeK Associates

21 Cummings Park Dr #230
Woburn, MA 01801

An Electrical Contractor in Woburn MA

"Owner is a Ph.D. electrical engineer with over 40+ years of experience in the technology area of theory and applications of Kalman filters and in related Signal Processing (and in the underlying mathematics, physics, and its supporting modeling & simulation). His R&D System Engineering experience has been in INS, JTIDS-RelNav, GPS, and INS/GPS navigation for both the U.S. Navy and Air Force, and in target tracking for strategic Early Warning Radars in national defense roles (i.e., SDI, NMD\UEWR), with some experience in countermeasure considerations. He was involved with D-1 Trident and C-4 back-fit Poseidon SSBN SINS/ESGM navigation development and with DT&E(OR) of GPS on SSN's. We develop software solutions in MatLab and SimuLink."

Day Opening Closing
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday Closed  
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