Tri Therapy

3601 Hilton Ave
Columbus, GA 31904

A Massage Therapist in Columbus GA

"Most of my life I have been figuring out my own back pain. In my 20s I had so much of it I would black out and fall to the ground. After 5 year of never giving up I got out of that cycle of pain. That constant grind of " why do I feel this way ." I got rid of it and so can you. I am not for everyone, if you are looking for a Regular Swedish massage I am not your guy. I am that guy that knows what you live with, I am that person who freed himself from the monster of back, leg, and neck pain. Never stop trying to be the best physical self that you are. If you have lived or even have thought of any of these problems please call me. I have not given up on you."

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