Victory Medical Allergy - Cedar Park

351 Cypress Creek Rd
Cedar Park, TX 78613


A Health Service in Cedar Park TX

Welcome to Cedar Park Allergy at Cedar Park Pharmacy. If you currently use over-the-counter and prescription allergy medications, you know they can have uncomfortable side effects. Also, these short term medications don't address the cause of your symptoms and often times act as a "band-aid" to your allergy ailment. Find out what Cedar Park Allergy testing and customized allergy treatments can do to help you say goodbye to suffering from your allergies forever. Every patient is different and will respond differently to allergens. It is for that reason that we will custom-formulate every dosage of allergy medication specifically for the individual patient. Unlike over-the-counter and standard prescription medications that may ease symptoms but also have significant side effects, we identify specific causes for your disease and can treat you with custom medications.

Day Opening Closing
Mon-Fri 9:00am 5:00pm
Sat-Sun Closed  
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