
1433 Alton Rd
Miami Beach, FL 33139


A Fitness Gym in Miami Beach FL

BodyShaping is a 20 minutes EMS (Electro Muscle Stimulation) training based on the latest technology in the fitness industry.This is the latest trend from Europe, for the first time in the US. - during the 20 min workout 90% of your muscles are stimulated at the same time getting 80 muscle contraction per second! - the muscle contractions are stronger and more intense than a voluntary exertion can do alone with every day gym training - 2x20 minutes training a week equals with 6-7 hours gym workout - protects the joints and operates on both the surface and the deep muscular systems - Targets muscle building: The electrodes are perfectly smooth on the body surface and thanks to this, every impulse hits the targeted muscle, so there is no possibility of a wrong exercise at all - lowers fat, reduces cellulite - improves body posture, prevents back ache

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