Zia Gianna - Italian Bakery & Caffè

1739 Dorchester Ave
DorchesterCenter, MA 02124


An Italian Restaurant in DorchesterCenter MA

He grew up in Messina, Sicily in a large Italian household that included his father, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, and learned to cook under the guidance of his vivacious aunt, Zia (Aunt) Gianna. Together they made authentic Sicilian recipes, learning and reinforcing the unspoken rules of traditional Sicilian cooking. It was during these formative moments, bonding with his precious aunt, that Nino gained the skills he needed to work in the family restaurant. Though he loved cooking in the restaurant, Nino decided to pursue his passion for architecture, so he completed his degree, earned his PhD, and then moved to Cambridge, Mass to pursue his post-doctora

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