T & J Tire

20716 U S 301 N
Dade City, FL 33523

An Auto Repair in Dade City FL

Your hometown shop for new and used tire sales for passenger, light truck, trailer, RV and semi/tractor trailer. We also specialize in tire repair, balance and rotation and 4-wheel alignments.Established in 2016.T&J Tire was established by Tim and Jerry (Mike) McLeod in 2016. Tim and Mike, who also own and operate Murrell Pest Control which has been open for almost 30 years, brought the same home town values of Great Customer Service and Attention to Detail into the tire business to give the people of Dade City the All Service Tire business they deserve. The shop is ran by Mike's step son Billy who himself is a retired military veteran with 20 years of honorable service to our country, and brings those same Corp values to each and every customer he interacts with.

Day Opening Closing
Mon-Sat 8:00am 5:00pm
Sun Closed Closed
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